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Sobriety is a Lifestyle

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Sobriety is a Lifestyle


Sober living means maintaining a drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle. It involves a daily commitment to yourself, to abstinence and to self-care. While detox is the first step, sober living goes well-beyond just stopping the substance use.

You will learn how to handle your own emotions, set healthy boundaries and form true connections with others. Sobriety helps prevent you from saying things you don't mean, acting in ways you normally wouldn't and making poor decisions that negatively impact your relationships.

Setting Goals for Sobriety. The key to successful, sober living lies in setting goals. ...

Be Patient & Take it Slow.
Make a To-Do List, and Plans to Do It.
Have Fun and Do Things to Make You Happy.
Surround Yourself with Supportive, Sober People.

Learn to Live is here to help guide you through the steps and we know how because we've been there.


Follow us @ltlrecovery


#soberlife #mindset #socialanxiety #selfcare #sobriety #maintenance #soberliving #addictionrecovery #addictiontreatment #mentalhealth #12steps

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Annonseid: 562194
Utløper: 2024.07.11 (om 40 dager)
Lagt til: 2022.09.20
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