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Modern Call Center Themes

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Modern Call Center Themes


Encounter the finest call center software with kingasterisk innovation

We provide call center dialer software on the client-server. We can modify the dialer as per our client requirements like functionality, reports & custom GUI.

We are not dealing in VoIP routes, DID, servers, or any hardware, and also do not provide any rent base dialer.

We provide free setup, installation, and configuration of VICIDIAL on clients' servers.

At kingasterisk, we offer you the finest dialer software to the client's benefit, able to customize the dialer that meet the proper requirements, climate practically the subtle elements reports or the graphical user interface (GUI)

We center on the software arrangement and do not bargain with the VOIP, DID etc. and we don't offer lease-based administrations which can lead the total control within the framework.

Make your subjects commendable, from the customized smooth plans interface

Coordinated the same arrangement as the existing move which is bothering free

User-friendly and institute apparatuses will boost the efficiency

Adaptable arrangements will go worldwide and grow the skylines

Client engagement with the development communication which guarantees the fulfilment

Our commitment to the benefit will demonstrate the complimentary setup establishment and the arrangement of the VICIDIAL. The call center software comes with a guarantee

Contact us today to learn more :

Whats App: +1 (786) 414 2610

Skype: king.asterisk/kingdialer
E-Mail :

Explore our offerings:

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Annonseid: 631279
Utløper: 2024.07.16 (om 45 dager)
Lagt til: 2024.03.18
Karakter (etter 0 stemmer) Vurder

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