‘AI is overhyped’, says Billionaire Investor Tej Kohli - The Future Lies in AGI and Quantum Tech

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‘AI is overhyped’, says Billionaire Investor Tej Kohli - The Future Lies in AGI and Quantum Tech


On looking risk of divergences of AI, London-based philanthropist and investor Tej Kohli explains the rising scope of AGI, Quantum Computing, and Advanced Biotech as the future of technology. He claims AI is overhyped and overfunded and addresses the issue. Looking forward to a new future of ultimate technical solutions, he suggested his perception of AI investment and prompt calls to action like Balanced funding and unbreakable collaboration of government and private sectors.

For more information visit https://commentcentral.co.uk/ai-is-overhyped-says-billionaire-investor-tej-kohli-the-future-lies-in-agi-and-quantum-tech

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Sold by: Tej Kohli (0 / # 0) Grade Tej Kohli
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