Kaspersky Lab Safer OS 13 - Cyber immune Approach to IT systems security

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Kaspersky Lab Safer OS 13 - Cyber immune Approach to IT systems security


Kaspersky Lab Safer OS 13 - Cyber immune Approach to IT systems security


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- 1 CD
- 1 Serial number 3 PCs (outdated)
- 1 User manual pt-PT

Note: Kaspersky Labs is a software from Kaspersky which is develop in RU. The OS should only be used as alternative to western OS like Windows, Mac or Linux.

Price: 65 EUR

Contact: hacxx20@gmail.com

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Informations générales:

Vendu par: John Williams (8.1 / # 19) Rang John Williams
Email: Contacter le vendeur

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Date: 2025.02.08
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